Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Unique in Sports

Cricket: The only game where the captain makes all the decision – after winning the toss whether to bat or bowl, who will bowl, when to change the bowler, how to rearrange the field, who to send to bat in which order, when to declare the innings. In other sports, captain is only for toss up.

Baseball: The catcher (ala wicket keeper) tells – via signal – the pitcher (ala bowler) what kind of ball to throw (ala bowl).

Volleyball: the libero (defensive specialist) is the player that wears a different color jersey from their teammates. The libero is a specially designated player that is allowed to replace any player in the back row without the need to substitute. They may never play in the front row. 

Soccer (Football): The goalie wears a different color jersey other than the rest of the team. 

American Football – The games go on no matter what – Rain or Shine or Snow or Thunderstorm or national mourning. Two days after President Kennedy was assassinated the NFL (National Football League) games went on as usual. The then NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle later said it was the biggest mistake of his career. 

Golf – It is the game where a golfer does not get a point on the opponent’s mistake.

Ice Hokey: It has 2 intermissions in each game.  A total of 3 periods, each with 20 minutes.

If you know any other sports which are unique, please let me know


  1. Are Hockey, Basketball and Tennis not unique? I dont know much about sports thats why the question...

    1. Thanks for your comments Dee. I did not say these are unique. I meant to say unique characteristics in each game.

  2. Good info for people like me who know nothing:)
    Now my grand son is soccer fanatic and I keep Tottenham and other one๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Thanks for your comments Renu. Hope your grand son turns out to be another Gareth Bale.

  3. LOL @ the NFL incident :) Cricket is the only sport in which a single match is played over five days!

    Destination Infinity

    1. Thanks for your comments Rajesh. You are correct.

  4. Save soccer, tennis, cricket, baseball and perhaps
    chess where a few earn disproportionately high income, I do not know about this aspect in other games.

    1. Thanks for your comments Mr. KP. They all earn in millions except players in a few games like Kabaddi and Kho Kho.

  5. Guess which sport can have non playing captain?

    1. Thanks for your comments Ashok Good question. The answer is Tennis. Am I right?

  6. I like sports, and I found this quite interesting compilation.

    Somethings which I have observed:

    In hockey, the goal keeper wears a helmet and other armour, and at times he might look like someone who has just descended from space.

    In football (soccer) there is only one umpire but in hockey there are two, though roughly the area of the ground somewhat similar.

    1. Thanks for your comments Pradeep. Thanks for giving us these unique information,

  7. Thank you for the information, as I am ignorant of the rules of most of these.
