Wednesday, June 26, 2024


In the bustling heart of the city, amidst towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, there was one man whose name echoed through the corridors of finance and success: WG. He was the epitome of wealth and influence, a titan in the world of business whose every move was scrutinized and speculated upon. As a reporter for the prestigious City Times, SC had landed the interview of a lifetime with the elusive Mr. WG. 

SC was known for her sharp wit and relentless pursuit of truth. Armed with her notepad and recorder, she entered WG's lavish office, adorned with modern art and sleek furniture that spoke volumes about his taste and wealth. 

The interview started off predictably, with questions about WG's rise to prominence, his early struggles, and his vision for the future. SC, however, was itching to uncover the secret behind his phenomenal success. "Mr. WG " she inquired, leaning forward with a glint in her eye, "what would you say is the key strategy that has led to your success?" 

Without missing a beat, WG reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a checkbook. He slid it across the table towards SC. "Write any amount you desire, and I will gladly sign it."
SC was taken aback. Was he serious? This had to be some sort of test or joke. She chuckled nervously, glancing at the blank check before her. "Mr. WG, I appreciate the gesture, but I'm here to conduct an interview, not accept gifts." 

WG nodded knowingly. "Fair enough," he said as he withdrew the checkbook. "But remember, SC, opportunities are fleeting. The key to success lies in recognizing opportunities and seizing them." 

SC raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Could you elaborate on that?" 

WG said: I gave you an opportunity to become rich and you did not take advantage of that.

Embarrassed by her own skepticism, Sarah continued the interview, though her mind kept returning to WG's strange offer. What did he mean by opportunities? Was there a deeper meaning she was missing? 

As the interview drew to a close, SC gathered her things and prepared to leave. Just as she was about to exit, WG called out to her. "SC, one last thing." 

She turned to face him, curious. "If you had written an amount of one million dollars on that check, would you have meant it?" WG asked, his expression unreadable. 

SC hesitated, caught off guard by the directness of his question. "I... I suppose so, but..."

WG interrupted gently. "And I would have honored it, SC. Remember that." 

With those enigmatic words hanging in the air, SC left WG's office feeling both intrigued and slightly unsettled. As she sat down to write her article later that day, her mind kept wandering back to the missed opportunity, wondering what could have been if she had taken WG's challenge seriously.

PS: I wrote this as a short story.  But this is not my imagination.  This interview and content actually took place.  That rich man is Bill Gates (William Henry Gates).


  1. This story is something that happens in our lives everyday.....maybe not someone giving a blank check..... but more so, all the opportunities that we get through out the day which we choose to either ignore, they go unrecognised or get declined due to our ethics.

    Wish we had a way to re program ourselves

    1. Thanks for your comments Dee. You are right.

  2. Well, as they say, 'Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity'!!!

    1. Thanks for your comments Swarna. Very well explained my story more than mel

  3. What Gates offered was not "an opportunity" for a journalist. As the reporter rightly said, she was there for an interview and not to accept money. There was no opportunity there, and she didn't miss anything. In fact, what Gates said only revealed one aspect of his personality, which I am sure the journalist wrote about in her story.

    1. Thanks for your comments Pradeep. I see your point of view.

  4. That's more like a lottery, not an opportunity. Had she accepted it, there would have been no way for her to sustain the lifestyle beyond a few years.

  5. I have read about this offer made by Bill Gates. One million dollar is too big an amount (equalent to eight and a half crores INR). Whether it is a lottery or opportunity she should have accepted the offer. I am telling this out of my own experience. Had she invested major portion for the future and a small portion for the current enjoyment, her life is settled. I denied a deserving offer a few decades ago as a matter of principle, I help without expecting anything in return. Bottom line, opportunity knocks the door only once, grab it don't miss it

  6. My comment is general without reference to any specific person
    Money is given free to strangers only when solicited.SC was right in suspecting a bait in the unusual offer when she had gone to
    take an interview for publication. The bait could be to ensure a favourable report highlighting the positive aspects of the individual in climbing to fame and shielding the many negative aspects that WG would like to remain concealed.
    I agree with Mr. Pradeep Nair that she rightly declined the offer. Unethical offers are not opportunities to be used.
