Sunday, November 13, 2022

UC Davis (Part 1 of 2)

I visited University of California at Davis last Friday. Unfortunately, it was a Veterans Day Holiday and therefore not much crowd. Almost all the buildings and classrooms were closed and locked. I wished I had gone there on a working day. 

University of California has 10 campuses all over California. The most famous are UC Berkeley and UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles). Third in line is UC Davis.

Someone told me long time ago that "at Berkeley the professors don’t teach and the teaching is done by the teaching assistants. At Davis, professors teach. Therefore, Davis is much better than Berkeley”. I do not know how far this is true. 

First item I wanted to see was their football stadium. But I could not go inside the stadium because of the holiday. Here is a photo from outside: That stadium can accommodate 33,000 people but you will never know looking from outside because the football field is surrounded by tiers of seats for the spectators. Just like an amphitheater. 

Here is a building for classrooms. This building was donated by Robert Mondavi, an American billionaire and a wine maker. I was joking with my host the Mondavi family will not have any difficulty in getting admission to this University. 

One particular thing I did not like is the dorms (hostels) are only for the first year students.  Second, third, and fourth year students have to rent apartments outside of the campus.  I think this is ridiculous.  They also should have an option to stay in the dorm if they so wish.

The dorms are located far away from the classrooms. Therefore, all the students staying in the dorms have a bicycle to go to the classes. 

I met a few students who stayed in the dorm during this long weekend. They were very friendly and easy to have conversation. 

Stay tuned for the next blog post about the UC Davis cafeteria.


  1. I've heard of Berkeley.
    I've heard of Los Angeles.
    What is a Davis?

    I've heard of UC Berkeley.
    I've heard of UCLA.
    Who is a UC Davis?

    Never heard of this place.
    Never heard of this school...son!

    The University of Utah

    1. The University of Utah is heard of though? If I went for a job in California I guarantee UC Davis is getting more props than Utah. Thanks for beating USC and Stanford though!

    2. Thanks for your comments The Cagey Bee and RG. Take your fight somewhere else because I don't know what to reply.

      RG welcome to my blog.

    3. In your support RG, all the Ms go to BYU. They never heard of The University of Utah.

  2. UC Davis is so great. Liked your photos immensely.

  3. UC Davis students ride around on bikes??? Are they living in the 1800s? At the University of Michigan there are buses that travel around campus all day that you can ride for free!

    1. Thanks for your comments Batman. Michigan is God damn cold. But always pleasant weather in Davis. Therefore, students prefer bicycles.

    2. I'd prefer actually getting exercise and getting to bike right to my location than having to wait for a bus that has a designated route. Enjoy hundreds of thousands of debt. I'll take my in state tuition instead.

  4. Thanks for writing about UC Davis! Enjoyed having you here.

  5. I guess u had a gud time. We would have liked to see inside the stadium too. Its ok, cafeteria pics will do for now.

    1. Thanks for your comments Rajesh. I did have a good time. Stay tuned for the cafeteria post.

  6. This is one of the well-known universities. I didn't know that UC had 10 campuses across the state. Nice informative post.
