Wednesday, April 24, 2024

I Love You

I read this somewhere. I thought I would share this with you. 

In a relationship seminar for women, the leader asked “who loves her husband”. Almost all the participants raised their hands. The leader then asked the participants to send an SMS message to their husbands with the text “I love you, darling”.

Some of the replies they got: 

1. Who are you? 

2. Mother my children, are you ill? 

3. I love you 

4. What you did do to the car? 

5. What do you want? 

6. ??? 

7. Be direct, how much do you need? 

8. Do I dream? 

9. If you do not tell me to whom you wanted to send this, I will kill you! 

10. I told you to stop drinking 

11. Regardless of what you want, the answer is no!


  1. Undeniably humorous!!!

  2. Thanks for your comments Mr. KP.

  3. I love the ... what did you do to the car response... hilarious.... Personally I am scared to send that message LOL

  4. Love is like a feeling of pleasure or pain. Expressing in words (sms message) may not be true love. So, love is only an emotion (feeling). This is what the women should have told the leader.

    1. Thanks for your comments seema. You are a genius and a philosopher

  5. Funny how meaning in relationships change with time.
    Funny how people change their perspective to relationship with time.

    1. Thanks for your comments Vrinda. And welcome to my blog. You are absolutely correct.

      Vrinda, please visit here as often as possible. Thanks.

  6. Interesting to see the different meaning of the relationship. The first one is the most funny!

  7. This one's hilarious. And the spontaneity in those responses is amazing.

    Arpita @

    1. Thanks for your comments Arpita. And, welcome to my blog.

  8. Some of the replies are scaring! I would'nt want to reach a stage with my husband where he would send me some of the replies you mentioned above.

  9. So funny. But as far as India is concerned, after the first decade people are engaged in so many domestics. so, they couple expresses their concern by deeds, not through words. Nice write-up.
