Friday, June 7, 2024


You thought I was going to write about USA beating Pakistan in T20 World Cup? I was but changed my mind to write about upset. 

Per dictionary “upset” means make (someone) unhappy, disappointed, or worried. 

Upset happens in electoral competition or in sports. But how this word was evolved? Some people say this word was used first in the year 1877. But this word “upset” became popular because of the following incident: 

There was a race horse named Man o’ war. This horse was considered the greatest horse of the 20th century. Won 20 out of 21 races between 1919 to 1920. Established 7 track records for speed over various distances. 

His only defeat was in the 1919 Sanford Memorial in the Saratoga Race Track. Want to know the name of the horse who beat Man o’ war? Name of that horse is Upset. 

Per Britannica, The loss gave rise to the popular belief that Man o’ War’s defeat was so monumental that it marked the beginning of the use of the word upset in reference to surprising sporting wins. 

Now you know all about “upset”.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Chat Conversation

Last week I was playing a video game in my lap top. All of a sudden, a chat site popped up on my screen. I should have deleted that site. Instead, I went to that site so see what is happening. It is a meat market. That is all I can say, 

Later I was telling this incident to a friend of mine. She is in the habit of going to these sites for “entertainment”. She started to laugh. She said there are many sites like the one I mentioned. She also said most of the participants in these sites are Asians, and particularly Indian men. She said many are there with a fake westernized name, but she can recognize Indian men with the language they use. She gave me some examples: 

Your good name please? (instead of what is your name) 

Ur likes? (Ur for Your) 

Your asl dear (what is your asl) (fyi: ASL is age, sex, and location) 

Searching for good friendship (his reason to be in the chat site) 

Can I ask you something? 

r u married? (r u for are you)

How r u? 

Where are you basically from? 

Nice name dear 

Give me a missed call 

I am here for timepass 

I have a doubt 

God promise 

I will be out of station (meaning out of town) 

Revert back (I will reply)