You know someone is local in the following cities:
Seattle – He walks in the rain with only a hoodie. It rains all the time in Seattle. If you walk in the rain with an umbrella you are not local.
Salt Lake City – He drives around business as usual in heavy snow. If you are afraid to drive in the snow you are not local.
New York - He says "the city" and expects everyone to know that this means Manhattan.
San Francisco – He says “Bay Area” and expects everyone to know that this means San Francisco Bay Area.
Chicago – He describes things as big huge. I got big huge slice of pizza.
Los Angeles = He believes Mexican food is a dietary staple.
Dallas – He drives a pick up truck which is always empty.
Las Vegas – He feels chilly when the weather is 90 (that is 32.22 celsius)
If you know of a city where you can easily recognize a local, please write to me.