In my last blog post titled “7 Days in Entebbe”, I wrote the following:
In the movie when two Germans speak, they speak in their native German language. When two Palestinians speak they speak in Arabic. Why then does the director of the movie let the Israeli Cabinet discuss everything in English? The Israeli Cabinet will always discuss topics in their own language - Hebrew - and not in English.
I have a possible reason and it’s the topic of my next blog post.
Here it is...
I believe the director of this movie decided to have Israeli Cabinet’s conversation in English because, in my opinion, he thought it would show the full force of their words to the audience.
As you can see in this movie, when two Germans speak in German they show the English translation at the bottom of the screen via subtitles. That does not capture the full force of their words to the audience. The same is true for the two Palestinians speaking in Arabic. English subtitles are provided on the movie screen.
Only if you hear the conversation in the language that is most familiar to you (in this case - English) only then will you get the full effect of the conversation.
This takes me back to an eminent international scholar I spoke to once back in the day. He was a professor emeritus at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi.
He told me that leaders and diplomats from English speaking countries (USA, UK, etc.) hate Indian leaders and diplomats because Indians reply/retort immediately without waiting for a translator.
According to him, when people say something in their native language…it is then being translated to their counterparts (Russians, Chinese, Japanese, etc.). Then the other leader says something to the translator and he/she translates it into English. So non-English speakers are unable to give an immediate and effective reply/retort. They just sit in front of the English speaking guys like dummies with smiles.
So if you understand the language and feel the full impact headed in your direction, without the need for a translator or subtitles, the lesson is “give it to back to them” by replying immediately in their own language.
Yo! Your movie sucks and is a terrible re-boot.
Let me know if you need a translator or subtitles for assistance.