Thursday, August 22, 2024

Kamala's Oration

Kamala Harris made a fantastic oration a short while ago. The assembled Democratic crowd stood up and gave a big ovation. She gave a rousing speech. 

Kamala said how her mother said don’t complain about anything but do something about it.

As a President, I will create an opportunity economy. An Opportunity economy where everyone has a chance to compete and a chance to succeed. 

I will bring together: - Labor and workers, - Small business owners and entrepreneurs, - And American companies. 

We will: - Provide access to capital for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and founders. - We will end America's housing shortage. 

And protect Social Security and Medicare. 

So many other promises to mention including how she would tackle the border issue. 

While I was watching her speech, I was drinking scotch. After she finished her speech, I stood up and applauded for a minute. 

Then I sat down. Had another round of scotch. Now I started to think clearly. 

Kamala’s speech sounded as if she is the opposition party and trying to unseat a Republican President. 

In USA, President and Vice President is a single package. They are elected together. Not separately. I was thinking Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are running the country for the past 3.5 years and will be in power till noon on Monday, January 20, 2025. Why can’t they implement all these promises now? 

Why can’t you create an economic opportunity now? What is stopping you? 

Why don’t you bring labor and workers and small business owners together now? What is stopping you? 

Why don’t end America’s housing shortage now? What is stopping you? 

Why don’t you tackle the border issue now? What is stopping you? 

Will you accept your Biden/Harris Administration past 3.5 years is a failure and will try to do a better job if elected in November?

Have to stop here now. My son is asking me to join him at the dinner table.


  1. Excellemt observation. 100% agree

  2. It's the same realization with election promises, everywhere!

    1. Thanks for your comments Rajesh. But she should not talk as if she is an opposition party - I will do this I will do that if I am elected.

  3. Well, to be fair, it's not her but THE ELECTIONS talking - overpromising to gain votes and support!!!

    1. Thanks for your comments Swarna. Election promising is fine. But she is the ruling party. She can do all her promises now.

    2. True. But it's also common for politicians to make many promises when seeking re-election....😀

  4. Party and more precisely ruling president/vice president will always say their achievements to gain popularity among voters. Here the way Ms. Kamala Harris campaign speech doesn't make sense. --- Hope in future campaign speech she will tell the voters about their achievement for last three years.

    1. Thanks for your comments seema. You are correct. A candidate in power should tell his/her achievements.

  5. Preaching, anyone can do, but practising may be far away. See, how many promises Rahul gave in U.P in the Loksabha election, but not a single one has he addressed. Don't know much about it, but think Trump can accomplish a better job.

  6. I also watched the speech. Yes, it was quite good. It was a well-written and a well-delivered speech. She handled the Middle East problem quite deftly. Yes, at times, it did look like she was trying to unseat a Republican president, though she was also mentioning what the administration did.

  7. Interesting observations! I haven't had the chance to listen to that speech, but I guess that they will have to make promises at this point in the election.

    1. Thanks for your comments Aish. She is the ruling party in power. But speaks like opposition party trying to come to power.

  8. The Americans are powerful orators in general..I haven't heard this speech but yes, she should have summarized the party's achievements over the years they governed and then spoken about what she intends to do further if elected.

  9. Legit questions
    Also I wonder what does Kamala Harris have to say about USA findings in disasters like Gaza war etc.
    I heard some where that she made some diplomatic statement ...didn't read whole news

  10. Thanks for your comments Afshan. She mentioned in the DNC "to end the war in Gaza and to fight tyranny around the world". I have not read about any funding.

  11. I too felt the same way, as your second thought. She should have given some fresh assurances and should have assured to expedite the previous promises
