Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Happy 100th Birthday

39th President of the United States (1977 to 1981) celebrates his 100th birthday day today, October 1. Happy Birthday Mr. President. He and his family are celebrating today in his hometown. 

He is a Democrat. Mr. Carter was born in Plains, Georgia, and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy. He served as a Commander in the U.S. Navy Submarines. Mr. Carter was interested in politics and opposed racial segregation. He supported civil rights movement. He served as Governor of Georgia from 1971 to 1975. 

Mr. Carter was not known well outside of Georgia but won the Democratic Party nomination in 1976 and became President of U.S. defeating Gerald Ford of the Republican Party. As a President he was not effective and considered as a weak President. In 1980, Ronald Reagan defeated Mr. Carter in a landslide. 

But today is his 100th Birthday and I will talk only about his good qualities. 

After leaving office he established Carter Center to promote human rights. For the work this center did, Mr. Carter received the Nobel Peace Prize. Mr. Carter established a nonprofit housing organization, Habitat for Humanity. He travelled to many countries as election observer.

Mr. Carter and his family are very simple easy-going people. When he was Governor of Georgia and President of the United States, Mr. Carter’s mother Lillian Carter worked as a Peace Corps volunteer Nurse in India. No one knew about her in India until the American Embassy called the Indian Government to arrange secret service (police) protection for her.

Once again, Happy 100th Birthday Mr. President. May you live many more years.


  1. I cannot pinpoint any specific reason for my liking him, may be his simplicity and good nature. His mom working in India at Bengaluru, if I am correct, could also be one factor.May god bless him with a comfortable and healthy life.

  2. Next to JFK my favourite US President is Mr. President Jimmy Carter, for his simplicity and looks. Happy 100th birthday. Stay blessed. From this blog only I came to know his mother worked in our country as a voluntary nurse. Hats off to his family

  3. Jimmy Carter is the first US president I have a very clear memory of. I was in school. His life is an inspiration one. His commitment to human rights, civil rights, and social justice continues to make an impact through the organisations he has founded. Wishing him and his family a joyous celebration!
