Friday, April 7, 2023

Challenger to Biden

President Biden is thinking of contesting the 2024 Presidential election on behalf of Democratic Party. Usually, if a sitting President wants to contest again no one from his/her party will challenge him during Primary. He/She will get nominated unopposed. 

Yesterday, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has announced he will be challenging Biden for the Democratic Party’s nomination. 

Who is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.? 

He has a universal name recognition. He is a Kennedy. The Kennedys are considered  America’s royalty. His uncle was President John F. Kennedy. He was a war hero, became President at a very young age, and was assassinated. He is still the most popular President among the past U.S. Presidents. (I wrote a blog post about him.). People equate him with Abraham Lincoln, Jesus Christ, and Mahatma Gandhi. 

RFK, Jr.’s dad is Robert F. Kennedy. He was the Attorney General during the JFK Administration. He contested for the Democratic Party nomination in 1968. He won the California’s Primary and when he was giving the victory speech, he was shot dead. 

Now RFK Jr. is trying to unseat Biden for the Democratic Party nomination. I said he has a universal name recognition. That is all. In my opinion, the apple fell far from the tree. He is no hero like JFK. He has no popularity like his dad. 

RFK Jr. was educated at Harvard University and at London School of Economics. (All Kennedys are admitted automatically at Harvard because they have donated millions of dollars to Harvard.). He is an environmental lawyer and a strong anti-vaccine advocate. He strongly believes vaccines lead to autism. 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reportedly has a neurological disorder that affects his vocal cords and gives his speech a strained quality. 

I personally think he cannot beat Biden for the Democratic Nomination. But he has a Kennedy name and still millions of people love the Kennedy family. 

Will see how it turns out.


  1. That's interesting. I think JFK is popular even outside the US. Maybe you can write a blog post about the Kennedy's someday.

    1. Thanks for your comments Rajesh. I already wrote about him. Please click the sentence in RED color in the above blog post.

    2. Or, you want me to write about the whole Kennedy clan?

  2. An interesting post. In India, some family names have a high popular appeal in political fields and swing votes in favour of such names.May be in US too Biden may have to contend with this hurdle.
    But i believe in a democracy anybody from the same party should have the freedom to contest against the incumbent President and not be bound by tradition.

    1. Thanks for your comments. Just FYI. In 1980, sitting President Carter was challenged by Ted Kennedy. Carter won the nomination narrowly.

  3. I actually voted for RFK Jr. in 2020 for president. Too bad he wasn't running. Or was he?

    Joe Biden

    1. Thanks for your comments Mr. President. Too bad, with your forgetfulness, in the Democratic Primary, please don't vote for Donald Trump as a write in candidate.

  4. The dynasty always has the last laugh universally and voters have short term memory!
