Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Vivek Ramaswamy

Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy is 37 years old Indian-American. He is seeking the Republican Party’s nomination to contest for the President of the United States in 2024. He has more famous competitors – Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. Any day now, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will also join the competition. 

Vivek was born in Cincinnati, Oho. His parents immigrated from India. He got his bachelor degree from Harvard College and Law degree from Yale. Vivek is an entrepreneur.  He and his wife Apoorva have 2 children.

Vivek Ramaswamy was a relatively unknown candidate. All of a sudden everything changed last Friday. 

Last Friday morning CNN anchor Don Lemon was interviewing Vivek Ramaswamy. Don Lemon had fiery exchange with Vivek. Per New York Times “The banished CNN star’s visible irritability during the conversation with Ramaswamy on the civil rights movement, black Americans and the Second Amendment “left several CNN leaders exasperated”. 

After his interview with Vivek, Don Lemon was fired from CNN. 

And now, all of a sudden Vivek Ramaswamy is a well-known name in USA. 

(Just an imagination. What if Nikki Haley won the Republican Presidential Primary and she chose Vivek Ramaswamy as her Vice President candidate. Nice to see both President and Vice President candidates are of Indian origin.) 

Here is the exchange between Don Lemon and Vivek Ramaswamy:


  1. I guess there is nothing much to lose by nominating oneself?

  2. Difficult to choose one person for president/vice president of Indian origin. Everyone aware of Kamala Harris (Indian origin). Enough is enough, but you can dream on with president/vice president both from Indian origin (same time)

    1. Thanks for your comments seema. That was an attempted humor. My prediction is either Trump or DeSantis will be the Republican Party's nominee.

  3. Sounds interesting. Results will be more exciting.

  4. Don Lemon was a popular TV anchor. And him being sacked was really big news. I didn't know about this exchange with Vivek.
    As you know Don's sacking from CNN came just after Tucker Carlson was sacked from Fox.

    1. Thanks for your comments Pradeep. Both Don and Tucker were fired on the same day.

  5. I could not find Mr. Vivek abrasive and he was willing to continue the conversation.
    US is yet to elect a woman as President. Your imagination of an Indian origin woman for the high position, though may seem a tad fanciful, can happen too very much like in UK. I learn the present president may opt for a second term.

    1. Thanks for your comments Mr. KP. Vivek was respectful and Don was not. That is why Don was fired. Yes, Biden wants to contest again. Let us see. He has a 72% disapproval rating.
