Sunday, September 1, 2024

American Girl Friend

I was watching a Malayalam movie. There was a scene: 

A girl waiting in the street to go to college. A guy was traveling in a motor cycle. The girl asks him for a “lift” to college. The guy refuses. The girl bad mouths him. Then he give her the "lift" to college.

I have lived all my adult life in USA. Therefore, I am not familiar with the boy-girl “stuff” in India. But I want to tell a few instances I have seen in USA. 

Long time ago, we were living in Lexington Avenue. (This is for the benefit of those French speaking audience who knew and familiar with that place.) 

Our (me and my wife and 2 small kids) next door neighbor was a young bachelor white guy. His girl friend used to come every Sunday and clean the entire home. Also, wash and iron all his clothes. He will sit, drink beer and watch her. 

He vacated. Another guy came. He was a long-haul truck driver. One night we heard big argument from their house and crying by a girl. Next day morning, we saw her. Bruises on her face and black eye. Since we knew her, we asked her what happened. She just smiled and said there was a slight argument last night and it was no big deal. 

We know a college student living 70 miles from his home. Living in a dorm (college hostel). Seven out of ten times, when he comes home for long weekends, his girl friend drives him, drops him, goes back to her home which is 100 miles away. Then at the end of the weekend, she drives 100 miles, picks him, and then drop him in his dorm. 

I told my wife (when she was alive) every guy should have an American girl friend. An Indian girl friend will never do these things.  My opinion is it is the other way around.  

My wife used to say “why don’t you marry an American girl”. I said: I never said about marriage. I said American girl friend and not wife. 

(I have heard of stories about how girls do their boy friends’ home work and project papers in colleges in USA.) 

Please tell me about happenings in India. Thanks.


  1. If we consider what people give, and not just what they get, we get a fuller picture.

    1. Thanks for your comments Rajesh. I don't understand what you said.

    2. My son, an Indian boyfriend and living in LA, drives his American girlfriend to and from San Diego every weekend. I guess we went a little overboard teaching him chivalry! 🤣

    3. Thanks for your comments Swarna. It is very nice of you and your son. My hats off to both of you. But my question is about the behavior/attitude of an Indian girl friend.

  2. I never heard of such incidents in either US or India. 😄
    Anybody who wants to get cleaning and cooking done should hire a maid rather than have a girlfriend. I am shocked at why would anyone agree to such a treatment, unless they are being separately paid for those tasks.

    1. Thanks for your comments Aish. I do not have any personal experience. I write what I see or heard. The girls are not made to do it. They voluntarily do it to be in the “good books” of their boyfriends. They don’t want to lose their boyfriends to some other girl. Kind of make him happy so he won’t find someone else. That is the American mentality.

  3. Are all American boys so good that their girlfriend will do so much? And are all Indian boys so bad that their girlfriends will never help him?
    Probably, in the specific instances you witnessed, it so happened that the good boys and girlfrieds were American and bad boys and girlfriend were Indian.
    I know a few Indian girls who were such a strong support and help for their boyfriends
    I think it's a two-way process. That's the way all relationships are.
