Monday, September 2, 2024

Sleepless Night

Just read a news item that a Japanese gentleman sleeps only 30 minutes every night and wakes up with full energy. He believes this will double his life expectancy. He also said it will boost his work efficiency. 

Most doctors recommend 7 to 9 hours of sleep for a healthy life. 

I know a number of people have problem getting into sleep. They go to bed at 10 pm and are awake until 3 or 4 am and then fall asleep involuntarily. 

I have read that in the US Army they train soldiers how to fall asleep within 5 minutes after lying down no matter where they are – be it in their barrack or in the battle field. 

This reminds me of an Executive Vice President I worked for. His name is Ted A. (French speaking audience in New Orleans will know who he is). He is known for sleeping only 2 hours a night. Between 1 am and 3 am. Then feel fresh and start concentrate on his work. 

I don’t know how his wife felt about it. But it was a problem for his subordinates. He had 9 General Managers reporting to him. He had an immediate staff of 5 people. Whenever he calls an all-day meeting of all these 14 people, it will start at 8 am and end at 9 pm. He won’t allow anyone to take even a bathroom break. Lunch would be a working session. At the end of the 9 pm meeting, there will be lavish dinner with lots of drinks. But who wants them at that hour? Every one would wants to go home and sleep. 

But Ted is fresh like a fish. 

How is your sleep pattern?


  1. I go to bed around 2 am or 2.30 am. Some days I fall asleep immediately. Some days I don't which is a big problem since I feel very tired the next day. Whatever time I go to bed, I tend to wake up between 8.30 am and 9.30 am.
    Sleep cycles are a personal thing. Difficult to generalise for the whole population. Some people need less sleep, some people more.
    Better to listen to the body signals and act according to what works best for the individual.

  2. I sleep twice - 6 hours in the night and 1.5 hours in the afternoon. Its required to keep my eyes fresh from all that digital screen exposure.

    Generally, more physically active we are, more sleep we require.

  3. Ah, am a fellow "fresh fish" in the sea of sleep-deprived souls! I sleep for 4 hours at night too and don't catch any daytime Z's, just like my dad. It's like we were born with an energy superpower. Must be in the genes😀

  4. I am running 94 and I believe i suffer from insomnia. I go to bed at 11 but get up between 2.30 to 3 am despite a tranquilier at night. I feel sleepy always and snatch a hour or two in day time.
    One advantage is I am ready by 5 am for my prayers!

    1. Thanks for your comments Mr. KP. With the way you produce suspenseful short stories every week, I know you are very alert. Wish you a long life.
