Saturday, July 14, 2018

President Trump and the Queen of England

We all know the left wing American news media (Newspapers and Television Stations) hate President Trump. No matter what he does, it is always wrong. I am not saying he is perfect. He makes his mistakes. But these left wing news media write with a vengeance against President Trump.
Yesterday, he visited England and met with the Queen of England. All the left wing news media have the following complaints:
Trump is clueless and breaks all protocols.
Trump and Melania defied protocol and did not bow or curtsy.
Trump and Melania opted to just shake hands.
What is this? Give me a break.
American President does not bow or curtsy anyone except God. America’s founding fathers fought hard so that they bow to no leader. (As a matter of fact, no one, except the British subjects, are required to do curtsy to the Queen of England.)
Americans stopped serenading royalty after 1776. Someone should tell the left wing news media what happened in 1776.
Yet when liberal actress Susan Sarandon broke Royal protocol a few weeks ago by approaching the Queen and introducing herself, the left wing media thought it cute and charming. They even wrote “the Queen loved it”. I am not making this up. Look at this headline:
Trump as an individual may be a bad guy. But, did England give the due respect to the President of the United States? If USA was not involved in World War 2, the whole of England will now be speaking German as their first language.
I hope Trump wished the Queen Happy 4th of July.


  1. Sadly this is what sells news....true untrue no one cares....people have to get curious to read it and that's all that doing that...if they are making someone look be it...

    1. Thanks for your comments Dee. Yes, of course, negative news sells. But the more these left wing media find fault with Trump, the more people are disgusted with them.

  2. Yes, as Dee says, negative news sells..

    1. Thanks for your comments Sandhya. I think these left wing news media contribute to the popularity of Trump among American voters.

  3. The English seem to be trying hard to maintain and (re)sell the concept of World Supremacy and Monarchy, which worked very well for them BTW. However, times have changed.

    Destination Infinity

    1. Thanks for your comments Rajesh. What you are saying is they are kaali perungaya dappa (empty asafodita container).

  4. An interesting read.I liked the observation in the last line of penultimate para that the course of history in Europe would have been different but for US support to allies.
    The spectacle of Englishmen conversing in German is amusing.

    1. Thanks for your comments Mr. KP. Come to think of it, it could be a toss up between German and Russian language.

  5. Too many mistakes by Trump.
    Trump is going down faster than the Queen’s wrinkled double-chin.

    Bernie Sanders


    1. Thanks for your comments Bernie. You? Running again in 2020? Dream on. First think about getting on the ballot in 2020.

  6. I wasn't aware that the American Presidents don't as a tradition bow or curtsy, before anyone, let alone the British royalty.

    But I know that it is not mandatory (at least in modern times) for anyone to curtsy before the British queen. Cherie Blair (former British PM Tony Blair's wife) famously didn't curtsy.

    So, considering that, it was fine that Trump didn't curtsy. That was his choice.

    Rajan, could you tell me which are the media that said in the headline that Trump broke protocol? From a quick web search I found that it was the tabloid media which did that.

    Looking at it more broadly, the whole issue of "protocol" was not just about the curtsy. It was about the entire manner in which Trump carried himself through the tour. He didn't come on time, made the queen wait etc. etc.

    There is nothing really right or wrong about traditions and protocols. It is about being respectful and good mannered, whether you stick to a tradition or not.

    Trump is known for doing and telling what he thinks, with little regard for etiquettes or courtesies. That's the way he is. Perfectly fine. So, actually there is no surprise in the way Trump has been conducting himself, throughout the European tour.

    Also, Rajan, I don't know if you watched the live telecast of the press conference at Chequers addressed jointly by Trump and May. It's normal practice for the guest not to embarrass the host, just as it is normal practice for the host not embarrass the guest, is it not? Even if one wants to say something unpalatable, they do that nicely without sounding blunt. But Trump being who he is, embarrassed May promptly by praising Boris Johnson (just a couple of days after Boris had quit May cabinet.) When she was asked by the reporters about it, she, being who she is, chose not to embarrass Trump, gave a very diplomatic answer, adding that the UK has a special relationship with the US, and both stand should to shoulder, etc etc.

    And before that you know the interview Trump gave to The Sun (a tabloid) a day before he arrived in Britain, blasting May for wrecking Brexit. Normally heads of State don't do such stuff, publicly, when they come visiting a country. Even if they want to protest against the host regarding something, they do that privately, but on record.

    International diplomacy, protocol and etiquettes is one big subject in itself, you know. It is not just about one thing or the other. It comprises a whole lot of things. Trump from day one hasn't bothered about that at all. He just doesn't care. Now everyone knows that. So, no one is surprised. They all just smile and let Trump be who he is.

    1. I am waiting for the press conference of Trump and Putin in Helsinki to begin. I am sure reporters will ask him what he meant by "I want extraordinary relations with Russia."

    2. Thanks Pradeep for your detailed comments. You bring up some interesting points. There are a few media outlets that said Trump broke protocol. I will cite two examples. Daily Mail and Newsweek.

      The word “clueless” was also used by Yahoo News and they have since taken it out.

      We all know that Trump does not care or follow the usual diplomatic mumbo jumbo. I think Trump is successfully using his negging tactic. Trump said he was thinking about his mother when he met the Queen. He said his mother was a great fan of the queen.

      How about the reverse? There was disrespect from the other side as well. Usually when the Queen meets a U.S. President, she is accompanied by any of the Princes (Charles, William, Harry, etc.etc.). But this time none showed up.

      While disrespecting Mr. Trump as an individual may be acceptable in some circles, let’s keep in mind that they are also disrespecting the President of the United States.

      Spirited conversation. Thanks Pradeep!

  7. The whole country has lost respect in the world, thanks to their choice during election.

    1. Thanks for your comments Ash. Vote for a change in November 2020. Until then, grin and bear it.

  8. Wow! That was interesting and informative. Wasnt aware that the President of USA doesnt bow to anyone and that it is only the British subjects are required to do curtsy to the Queen!
    Going by this and Susan's news, the Left Wing media is certainly biased!

  9. All these policies or etiquettes are laid down by the rulers of the nations. Above all these data, all are mortal beings. Why to establish supremecy over others? Of course invasion and attack should be duly reciprocated to and that too after a trial of curbing it. Now a days medias publish paid or biased news. One cannot believe media. However revering a head of a Nation is equal to revering the nation itself. Nice to read.Such topics of yours bring us information a lot,SG.
