Sunday, May 5, 2024

To Kill a Dog

This is not like the famous novel To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee. 

This was an incident narrated by Ms. Kristi Noem, the South Dakota Governor. She is in the short-listed candidates to be the Vice-Presidential nominee for Donald Trump. She wanted to show the American voters that she is tough enough to face “difficult, messy and ugly” tasks. So Kristi narrated the following incident. 

Kristi Noem had a dog named Cricket. She said her 14 month old was very difficult to handle, train and discipline. According to her, Cricket behaved like “a trained assassin” with an “aggressive personality”. Attacked family chicken and killed many of them. She thought her kids are in danger. 

What did she do about it? She took her dog, Cricket, to a gravel pit and shot her dead. 

She is getting lot of criticism from the American public. America as a whole is a dog loving nation. Her act did not go well with the America public. This may endanger her chance of being a Vice Presidential candidate for Donald Trump. 

I have heard about dog owners shooting their hunting dogs accidentally. Never knew someone shooting their own dog deliberately and bragging about it. 

My point is if Kristi Noem wanted to get rid of her dog, she could have given it for adoption. Or, if she wanted to get rid of her dog forever, should could have put her to sleep in a more humane way. 

What do you think?


  1. It's a very disturbing act by Kristi Noem! Her action lacks empathy. Although her family's safety is her priority, she could have given up for adoption or so many other ways she could have gotten rid of the dog. So, of course, this raises the question about her judgment.

    1. Thanks for your comments Swarna. I fully agree with you.

  2. I think, in Korea, Killing dogs for eating (food) was recently banned, although they claim that it has been out of practice for decades. So there are worser things that people have done..

    1. Thanks for your comments Rajesh. I heard Koreans know how to wok/walk a dog.

  3. She wants to tell public that as a VP she can't tolerate, can be tough to go any extent even if it her own dog.

  4. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem stood by a passage in her upcoming book in which she appeared to say she would also kill President Biden’s troubled dog Commander and quipped that the president pup would “say hello to” Cricket, pup she famously boasted about shooting.

    “Joe Biden’s dog has attacked 24 Secret Service people. So how many people is enough people to be attacked and dangerously hurt before you make a decision on a dog?” Noem pondered on told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

  5. Yes, this is not the way to get rid of her dog. And also not the right way to tell the world how tough she is.

    1. Thanks for your comments Pradeep. 100% agreed.

  6. Here is my thought process, initially i thought that you could put the dog to sleep, humanely possible, but we dont know her situation (irrespective of how she narrated) dangerous it was at that point.... but whats interesting is that she chose that story to share....maybe just that she would make tough and right decisions when it comes to her family ...

    1. Thanks for your comments Dee. For a person hoping to become a potential Vice President of a dog loving country, it is not a good PR. Her chances are doomed.

  7. She would have thought her act would bring positive effect. It is the other way around it will/should bring negative effect. This heartless female should never come to power. If USA is truly a dog loving country they should teach her a lesson

    1. Joe Biden’s dog has attacked 24 Secret Service people. So how many people is enough people to be attacked and dangerously hurt before you make a decision on a dog?

    2. Thanks for your comments Gowri.

  8. She could have arranged a trainer to train the dog so that it behaved well. Killing right away in no solution. Nice topic, S.G.

    1. Thsnks for your comments Sarala. You have a very good suggestion.

  9. Animal's consent cannot be taken. If given a choice & if they could speak, who would choose such a death?
    Dog was just shot dead. She showed her prowess as one who takes tough decisions.

    She could have gifted her dog to a dog-loving and pampering family.
    One of my friends had 17 dogs.
