Monday, July 22, 2024

The Seat of Understanding

As the boarding announcements echoed through the bustling airport terminal, passengers began shuffling towards the waiting aircraft. Among them was Mrs. Evelyn Brooks, a refined woman in her early sixties. She settled into her seat by the window, meticulously arranging her belongings around her. Her attention to detail reflected in her immaculate appearance and the subtle elegance of her demeanor. 

Just as she was getting comfortable, a stark contrast to her appeared—a man in worn-out clothes and a rugged appearance, clutching a small bag, approached hesitantly. He glanced at his boarding pass and then at the seat next to Mrs. Brooks. With a polite nod, he sat down, careful not to intrude on her space. 

Mrs. Brooks eyed him disapprovingly, a furrow forming between her brows. She pressed the call button impatiently. A flight attendant, ever graceful in her uniform, appeared promptly. 

"Is something the matter, ma'am?" she inquired politely. 

"Yes," Mrs. Brooks replied curtly, "I cannot sit next to this... person. Please find him another seat." 

The flight attendant maintained her composure despite the request being entirely unreasonable. "I apologize, ma'am, but the flight is fully booked. There are no other seats available." 

Mrs. Brooks' dissatisfaction was evident, her lips pursed tightly. "Well, then move me to another seat." 

"I'm afraid that's not possible either," the flight attendant explained, trying to diffuse the tension delicately. 

Growing more insistent, Mrs. Brooks demanded, "This is unacceptable! Speak to the captain. There must be something that can be done." 

The flight attendant, with a reassuring smile, excused herself and headed to the front of the plane. She explained the situation to Captain Johnson, who listened attentively, a thoughtful expression on his face. 

After a brief pause, Captain Johnson nodded decisively. He leaned forward and whispered an idea to the flight attendant, who nodded in understanding. She returned to Mrs. Brooks' row, a composed smile on her face. 

"Ma'am," she addressed Mrs. Brooks and the villager sitting beside her, "I have good news. Since the lady next to you prefers not to sit together, sir, I must move you to a different seat." 

The villager looked puzzled but complied, following the flight attendant down the aisle towards the front of the plane. Mrs. Brooks watched in disbelief as the man was led to the first-class cabin and settled into a plush seat, looking both bewildered and delighted. 

The flight attendant returned to Mrs. Brooks' side; her expression serene but hiding a hint of amusement. "Is there anything else I can assist you with, ma'am?"

PS: Got idea to the above story after reading a news item where a Bangalore Mall denied entry to a farmer in dhoti.


  1. A good snub to the woman. I hope she would have learnt a lesson. I thought initially he would be a celebrity in simple clothes, Nicely written!

  2. Lol...demanding entitlement, backfired!

  3. Read similar to this story somewhere. When the flight attendant told the black man to the first class, fellow passengers clapped in the flight for acknowledging captain's gesture and airlines decision in this situation. Poor old lady didn't get the free first class upgrade.

    1. Thanks for your comments seema. Looks like this kind of situation happens for real.

  4. I have read this story in ur blog earlier, if I remember it right..

    1. Thanks for your comments Rajesh. I have written quite a few blog posts about airlines and my experience. I went back and checked my blog posts. I did not write this story before.

  5. That was a good way to tackle the situation! There are a lot of people who feel entitled ... they are usually brought down to earth soon in one way or the other.

  6. People nowadays have forgotten kindness and just to be nice to other people. They constantly judge and wish ill for others.... glad the passenger got to fly first class....good read SG
