Monday, August 12, 2024

Ugly American

2024 Olympics – Basketball Final – Gold Medal Game – Team USA vs France. The great Victor Wembanyama was playing for France. Our own hero – Steph Curry of San Francisco Golden State Warriors was playing for team USA. He was instrumental in USA beating France 98 to 87 and USA winning the Gold Medal. 

And now the game ended. Steph Curry’s wife and kids and Curry’s mother were leaving the stadium. They were blocked to cross the street by the French Police. They do not speak French. The French police do not speak English. 

A passerby who was standing there, who can speak French and English, volunteered to translate. He told the Curry family they have blocked the crossing because the French President Emmanuel Macron who attended the USA-France Basketball Final was leaving and therefore had to block the roads so his convoy can go through freely.  The Curry family demanded they cross the road to their parked car.  But the French police were polite but firm and did not allow them to cross till the motorcade of the French President crosses the place.

But we Americans do not care. Now Ugly Americans come into the picture. Here are the comments in the American papers. Just like comments in the Indian press when things do not go the Indian way.

The French police are angry that USA beat France. (The French police were in the street and they do not even know the score) 

The French police are angry at Steph Curry because he was responsible for France’s loss and therefore, they are punishing Curry’s mother, wife, and kids. (The French Police do not even know who these people are in the street.) 

One San Franciscan wrote: Don’t they know Steph Curry is our hero and how dare they stop his family from crossing the street. 

I love Steph Curry.  This sounds like they were acting entitled.

Give me a break.

PS: A personal experience with French Police.  Long time ago, my wife and I were visiting Paris.  My brother was working and staying there in a fancy apartment. We stayed with him for a few days.  An important minister in the French Government was also staying in that apartment.  Therefore, there were a few police officers at the entrance to the apartment at all times.  When my wife and I were leaving to go back to USA, there was difficulty in putting our suitcases in the taxi.  The guarding French Police helped and made sure we had a smooth ride to the airport.


  1. With so many VIPs around the Olympics complex, it's difficult to track everyone and be biased against a few.

  2. One possible scenario I can imagine is the roles getting reversed in Los Angeles Olympics in 2028. American police would behave the same way!
    Regarding the help the French Police offered, very nice of them.

  3. It seems all over the world the attitude of the media is same. I was told the French people are very kind and helpful. In your case, French police helped you just because you were staying in the apartment where the minister was also staying or by nature they have the helping tendency?

    1. Thanks for your comments Gowri. Usually, in the Western world, police officers are helpful.

  4. Journalist blaming French police need to be condemned.

  5. In India they term this thing of waiting for VIPs to pass, as protocol.
    One may to wait for 5-10 minutes on a Delhi road if PM travels. But here in Ranchi, you may not believe this; we had the road blocked for 3 hours because the PM was to arrive !!

    1. Thanks for your comments Kirtivasan. Waiting for 3 hours to cross the street is ridiculous.

  6. Dropped by to read and revisit old time blogger friends. I had taken a long break from blogging and am trying to slowly get back my pace.
    What you write is so true for most countries. The world stops for a VVIP motorcade to pass, however urgent it maybe, one is required to allow the motorcade go first. to lambast this procedure as a general thing is not bad, but this particular instance, of no apparent urgency, is uncalled for and quite juvenile.
    great to hear you had a good experience with foreign police, I have not been that lucky in most countries that I have travelled to.

    1. Thanks for your comments sujata. And welcome back. Hope you and your family are doing well. We missed your blog posts. Glad you have resumed.
