Sunday, May 8, 2022

Stupid Answers

One of the famous TV shows in USA is “Family Feud”. The host asks questions and the contestants have to answer. Family vs Family. 

Here are some of the real questions asked in that show and the real stupid answers from the American contestants. 

Name a boy’s name that starts with H – Hose 

Name a word that following the word “Pork” – Cupine 

Name something that is hard to do with your eyes open – Read 

Some politicians belong in the White House. Others belong in the “blank” house – They belong in the White House. 

Tell me something the pilot might turn on after the plane takes off – The engine 

Most visited foreign country by Americans – USA 

First question when someone wakes up from coma – What is on the radio 

If it is up to me, I will never “blank” again – Cheat 

Name a kind of suit that is not appropriate for the office – Chicken Noodle 

Name something a man might be willing to go to prison to get away from – Police 

What a blind date conveniently forgets to mention about himself – That he is blind 

Name a fruit that is yellow in color – Macaroni


  1. Lol I love watching this show....I can understand how fruit and suit can sound like food and the answers are kinda valid .....

    1. Thanks for your comments Dee. I also love watching that show.

  2. First I thought answer "Read" will be topping the list. After reading the other answers, I found each one is overtaking the other. Height of stupidity 🤣

    1. Thanks for your comments Gowri. Yes, height of stupidity.

  3. I understand those people are under pressure but they should take a minute and breath before answering :).

    1. Thanks for your comments Bathwater. And, welcome to my blog. Yes, they should do like you suggested.

      Bathwater, please visit here as often as possible. Thanks.

  4. Probably these questions nd answers were planned ahead to double the entertainment?

    1. Thanks for your comments Rajesh. No, they are not planned. There are very strict laws in USA against such tactics.

  5. Hahaha, that was hilarious, wonder if it's more from a TRP perspective! Can people really be so ignorant?

    1. Thanks for your comments Deepa. You cannot "stage" something where contestants are involved for huge sum of money. Yes, people are really this much ignorant.

  6. I am not surprised at the level of stupidity at some of these shows and find myself rolling with laughter. Always wonder if they are deliberately professing such ignorance hear themselves to elicit laughter…do they even heat themuwhen uttering these statements 😩

    1. Thanks for your comments Anonymous. Please identify yourself and don't hide behind anonymity.

  7. I have not heard of this show. Sounds interesting.

  8. Did not know of the show. But, I got some answers right :) :)

  9. Just it gives some laughable moments. Though stupid Q & A, some charm is there. You find out some charming topics,S>G>
